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Braised Mo-Mi Lamb Shanks and Mancini Calamarata

Give Shanks and Braise! That’s what we think of this dish. It’s incredibly simple, perfect for spring and we have it all ready in a kit just for you.

For us, these are the cuts we typically eat. Things we get long on (have a lot of), things that maybe we know are secret gems and sometimes cuts that just fit our low maintenance needs for the day. Shanks are one of those that typically fall into all three, if I’m honest.

When people think of pasta and a ragù, their minds typically go to a tomato based ragù with a hearty helping of meat and stewed vegetables. While this dish has some of those, the simple use of stock and bright spring chives make it a bit lighter and bright.


Braised Lamb Shanks with Mancini Calamarata - Serves 6 - 8



  1. Get a heavy bottom pot medium-high hot. Add in a couple tablespoons of olive and sear shanks on all sides. You may have to do this in two batches. It’ll also take longer than you think, so let them brown, don’t worry. 
  2. Prepare your vegetables while your shanks are browning.
  3. When your shanks are done browning, add in your carrot and garlic, and stir around for 30 seconds to deglaze the pan. 
  4. Add in your chives and lamb stock. Cover and turn down heat to a gentle simmer.
  5. Simmer your shanks on low for 4 - 5 hours or until tender and falling off the bone.
  6. Remove the shanks and shred into smaller pieces so you’re not left with big chunks of meat. Pro-tip. Save the shanks and make a stock out of them to get all the last bits of goodness off.
  7. Cook the mixture down with the lid off until it’s very much reduced. You’re going to be adding pasta water to make into a sauce, so you’ll want it ultra reduced.
  8. When you’re close to reduced down, start boiling your water for pasta. Be sure to have a well salted water. It should taste like the ocean, for those who’ve had that luxury in life.
  9. Cook your pasta, and retain approximately 1 cup of pasta water to add back into the sauce.
  10. Add the pasta to the pot of ragù, and add in 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water to start. Mix vigorously until the sauce well coats the pasta. You may have to add more water, but you should not have a “soup” on the bottom of the pan. It should be a sauce.
  11. Toss in fresh chives at the end, top with pecorino and enjoy.

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